"The crisis in democracy demands the substitution of the intelligence that is exemplified in scientific procedure for the kind of intelligence that is now accepted." – John Dewey (LW 11:51)
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Books Published
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Articles and Book Chapters
“For values in science: Assessing recent arguments for the ideal of value-free science.” Synthese 204, 112 (2024).
“Introduction: John Dewey’s Legacy for Philosophy of Education,” Philosophical Inquiry in Education , Volume 31 (2024), No. 2, pp. 109-110.
(with Magdalena G. Grohman, Eun Ah Lee, Nicholas Gans, and Ann Majewicz Fey), “The Formation of Engineers in Research Labs during the COVID-19 Crisis ,” in Y. S. Ong et al. (eds.), A Diversity of Pathways through Science Education, 2024. [Springer ]
Foreword to the Paperback Edition , The Poems of John Dewey (SIU Press), forthcoming
(with Jacob Stegenga) “The Validity of the Argument from Inductive Risk (Discussion Note),” Canadian Journal of Philosophy , 2023.
(with Magdalena Grohman and Eun Ah Lee) “Ethical Reflection as a Part of Creative Problem-Solving ” in Jonathan A. Plucker (ed.), Creativity & Innovation: Theory, Research, and Practice 2nd edition, 2022
“Mary Parker Follett as Integrative Public Philosopher” Hypatia 2021 (Open Access)
“The Descriptive, the Normative, and the Entanglement of Values in Science” Commentary on Heather Douglas’ Descartes Lectures on Science, Values, and Objectivity , lecture 1. 2021.
“Against Expertise: A Lesson from Feyerabend’s Science in a Free Society?” In Interpreting Feyerabend: Critical Essays , edited by Karim Bschir and Jamie Shaw, chap. 10, pp. 191–212. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021.
“Pluralism and Perspectivism in the American Pragmatist Tradition.” In Knowledge from a Human Point of View , edited by Ana-Maria Cretu and Michela Massimi, chap. 3, pp. 37–56. Springer, 2020
“Scientific Humanities: The Scientific Origins of Wonder Woman .” in More Critical Approaches to Comics: Theories and Methods (edited Matthew J. Brown, Randy Duncan, and Matthew J. Smith), Routledge, 2020
(with Magdalena Grohman, Nicholas Gans, Eun Ah Lee, and Marco Tacca) “Engineering Ethics as an Expert-Guided and Socially-Situated Activity.” Advances in Engineering Education 8(3):1–16, 2020
(with Eun Ah Lee, Nicholas Gans, Magdalena Grohman, and Marco Tacca) “Guiding Engineering Student Teams’ Ethics Discussions with Peer Advising.” Science and Engineering Ethics 26:1743–1769, 2020
“Is Science Really Value Free and Objective? From Objectivity to Scientific Integrity” for What is Scientific Knowledge? An Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology of Science , McCain and Kampourakis eds. 2019
(with Eun Ah Lee, Nicholas Gans, and Magdalena Grohman) “Ethics as a Rare Bird: A Challenge for Situated Studies of Ethics in the Engineering Lab.” Journal of Responsible Innovation 6(3):284–304, 2019
“Weaving Value Judgment into the Tapestry of Science” (2018) Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 10 (10). (Part of a review symposium on Kevin Elliott’s Tapestry of Values .) 2018.
(with Eun Ah Lee). “Connecting Inquiry and Values in Science Education: An Approach based on John Dewey’s Philosophy.” Science & Education 27(1-2):63–79, 2018
(with Joyce C. Havstad). “Inductive Risk, Deferred Decisions, and Climate Science Advising,” in Kevin C. Elliott and Ted Richards (eds), Exploring Inductive Risk: Case Studies of Values in Science, Oxford University Press, 2017, pp. 101-123.
(with Joyce C. Havstad). “Neutrality, Relevance, Prescription, and the IPCC,” (October 2017) Public Affairs Quarterly 31(4): 303–324 (special issue on The Responsible Use of Science in Societal Decision Making , eds. Kevin C. Elliott and Ted Richards)
“Values in Science: Against Epistemic Priority” in Kevin C. Elliott, Daniel Steel (eds) Current Controversies in Values in Science, Routledge, 2017, pp. 64-78.
(with Joyce C. Havstad). “The Disconnect Problem, Scientific Authority, and Climate Policy.” (2017) Perspectives on Science 25(1):67-94. [journal ]
(with Eun Ah Lee, Magdalena Grohman, Nicholas Gans, and Marco Tacca). “The Roles of Implicit Understanding of Engineering Ethics in Student Teams’ Discussion.” Science and Engineering Ethics 23(6):1755–1774, 2017
“Loves Slaves and Wonder Women: Radical Feminism and Social Reform in the Psychology of William Moulton Marston.” (2016) Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 2(1): Article 1.
“The Abundant World: Paul Feyerabend’s Metaphysics of Science” in Reappraising Feyerabend, a special issue of Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 57: 142–154.
(with Ian James Kidd). “Introduction: Reappraising Paul Feyerabend.” Reappraising Paul Feyerabend , Special issue of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science A.
“John Dewey’s Pragmatic Alternative to the Belief-Acceptance Dichotomy.” (2015) Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A , 53: 62–70
Eun Ah Lee, Nicholas Gans, Magdalena Grohman, Marco Tacca, and Matthew J. Brown. “Exploring Implicit Understanding of Engineering Ethics in Student Teams.” (2015) In Proceedings of the 122nd American Society for Engineering Education Conference & Exposition
“The Functional Complexity of Scientific Evidence.” (2015). Metaphilosophy 46(1): 65-83.
“Quantum Frames,” (2014) Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 45(1): 1–10
“Values in Science beyond Undetermination and Inductive Risk,” (2013) Philosophy of Science 80(5): 829-839.
“The Democratic Control of the Scientific Control of Politics” (2013) in Dennis Dieks and Vassilios Karakostas, editors, EPSA11 Perspectives and Foundational Problems in Philosophy of Science. (Selected proceedings from the European Philosophy of Science Association 2011.), pp. 479-92.
“The Source and Status of Values for Socially Responsible Science” Philosophical Studies, Volume 163, Issue 1, March 2013, pp 67-76.
“Science, Values, and Democracy in the Global Climate Change Debate ,” (2013) in Philosophical Pragmatism and International Relations: Essays for a Bold New World , ed. by Shane J. Ralston.
“John Dewey’s Logic of Science” HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 2(2), Fall 2012, pp. 258-306.
“Science as Socially Distributed Cognition: Bridging Philosophy and Sociology of Science” (2011) Foundations of the Formal Sciences VII: Bringing together Philosophy and Sociology of Science , v. 32 of Studies in Logic , pp. 17-30.
“Genuine Problems and the Significance of Science” (2010), Contemporary Pragmatism 7(2).
“Models and perspectives on stage: remarks on Giere’s Scientific perspectivism” (2009) Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A , 40(2): 213-220.
“Relational Quantum Mechanics and the Determinacy Problem” (2009) British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 60(4): 679-695
“Picky Eating is a Moral Failing ” (2007) in Dave Monroe & Fritz Allhoff (eds.), Food & Philosophy: Eat, Think, and Be Merry. Blackwell.
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